Infill Real Estate Development Projects

The Challenges of Land Availability in Philadelphia

Real estate developers in the Philadelphia region are faced with the challenge of limited open land availability. The most common solution to this problem is infill development projects that take better advantage of underutilized properties.

At Millan Architects, we have a team of experienced architects and designers. We will work with you from the initial assessment of a property through construction administration to ensure the success of your project.

Infill Development Value Feasibility Studies:

When we work with developers to assess the potential development value of a property, the first step is to verify the feasibility of a successful project. We start with a study of the site plan and determine the following critical information:

  • Applicable zoning district
  • Required setbacks
  • Maximum square footage of buildable area that can be developed by right
  • Any portions of the site that cannot be developed due to regulations or site-specific conditions like steep slopes or setbacks to creeks
  • The best options for potential zoning compliant subdivision or lot consolidation

We understand that real estate deals move quickly. Confirming the viability of a successful development project is essential to your project. We prioritize site feasibility studies to ensure you get the information you need to make a time sensitive decision.  

Next Steps: Detailed Site Analysis

Once we confirm the initial feasibility of the project, we will work with you to analyze the site in more detail, utilizing our site analysis process. Depending on the constraints of the site, we identify the best location for the building, and how to maximize the potential of the new development.

We will work with you to determine if a by right project is the best option, or if a zoning variance would allow for a better project. While receiving a variance is never guaranteed, we have extensive experience navigating the zoning variance process. 

Efficient Goal Oriented Process:

At each stage of the planning and design process, we will provide exactly what you need to move your project forward through zoning, design, permitting and construction. We understand the value of your time and we ensure that your project stays on track by maintaining a realistic timeline. We implement disciplined project schedules to keep your project meeting critical milestones in a client responsive way.


Work with an Experienced Architecture Firm

If you are planning an infill development project, hire experienced professionals. At Millan Architects, we understand the real estate development process, the local zoning and building codes, and the permitting process.

Proven Architectural Services. Trusted Advisors.

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